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Talk About the Current Status and Development Trend of Insulation Aluminum Doors and Windows-Aluminum Profiles Supplier

Author: WJW Aluminum Window Manufacturers

Since the entry of mature aluminum -type insulation technology in Europe in 2000, the ridiculous expression of "aluminum doors and windows is not energy saving" has finally broken, and the domestic aluminum alloy doors and windows industry has appeared in a prosperous scene. At the same time, under the compulsory implementation of relevant national policies and standards, in most areas, if the building must use aluminum alloy doors and windows, you must choose the insulation aluminum doors and windows. The changes in the insulation requirements of aluminum doors and windows in my country clearly required in the "Regulations on the Management of Energy Conservation of Civil Buildings" issued by the Ministry of Construction No. 76 in February 2000, and construction energy conservation must be implemented in accordance with mandatory standards. In order to promote the energy saving of construction, the state has formulated a "three stages and three steps" development plan. The first stage was from 1986 to 1995. At that time, the target was 30 % of energy -saving based on the standards of 1980 and 1981, and the implementation standard was only one. "Part)"; the second stage was from 1995 to 2005. The target of energy -saving was 50 %, and the target expanded to the summer and winter cold areas and the summer warm and winter warm areas. This energy -saving standard is based on the standards of 1980 and 1981. On its basis. The standards at this stage have increased the "Standards for Energy -saving Design Standards for Residential Buildings in Summer Hot and Winter Cold Area", "Standards for Energy -saving Design of Residential Buildings in Summer Hot and Winter Warm areas", etc. In the future, the energy -saving goal is 65 %. Therefore, we can see that the development steps of national building energy conservation are promoted at 30 %, 30 %, and 30 %. In this case, energy conservation is 30 %, 50 %, and 65 %. Judging from the national standards and local standards implemented above, the total trend of energy conservation in my country's construction is: the scope is getting more and more popular, from severe cold areas to cold areas to summer and cold areas to summer and winter warm areas, from north to south to south. Policies are becoming stricter, and it has been improved to the height of the law, so that the energy conservation of the building can be based on. However, let's compare the limit of the heat transfer coefficient of the external windows in Western developed countries again. From here, I have seen the progress of our country in this regard, but we must also see the gap between it! In the process of design, production and use, we must consider: Is this configuration reasonable in technology, economy and use? At this stage of the development trend of aluminum doors and windows, the main characteristics of the domestic aluminum doors and windows markets are:

Talk About the Current Status and Development Trend of Insulation Aluminum Doors and Windows-Aluminum Profiles Supplier 1

1. The industrial foundation is very strong: profiles, doors and windows, and curtain wall processing capabilities in the world, but the capacity of production capacity is relatively excess and continue to invest. The main problem of existence is:

1. Single products, serious plagiarism, and homogeneous price competition; 2. Different needs of different consumer groups are not met. To solve the above problems, we can only cooperate with the existing industrial foundation, improve design capabilities, design diversification, differentiation, and adapt to products with different market segments to improve product selling points and added value. However, doing so will cause other problems to follow:

1. A variety of products means a large amount of inventory such as profiles, accessories, molds, etc. of different sections; 2. The difficulty of management and quality control increases; 3. Increased costs; 4. Sacrifice the scale economy. In response to the above problems, the solution in the industry is to enable the product to series, the universality and interchangeability of the section and attachment, that is, the least component combination produces multiple products that adapt to different regions and consumer groups, that is, systematic product design. This is characterized by the integrity and strictness of the design, the general interchangeability of the component, and the standardization and efficiency of the processing process. Some companies have started to increase design and development, and more companies are doing similar plans. At the same time, we must also clarify some strategic issues: Is the technical research and development investment based on the business level or the company's strategic level arrangement? Because this depends on the self -positioning of future companies. Is it a developer, a user, or a supplier of material? Because of different market roles, there are different requirements: as developers, it is necessary to be responsible for the development of product systems, integration of product resources, user services and brand promotion. This requires system developers to invest a lot of funds and personnel. As the developer of the aluminum doors and windows system, Huachang Aluminum has developed into a large -scale modern comprehensive enterprise integrating R & D design, production, sales, and technical services. There are two major production bases in Guangdong and Jiangsu, and there are seven major companies including Guangdong, Jiangsu, Hong Kong, Australia, Germany, Huasai's special wall doors and windows, and Grandico hardware products. As a user, responsible for the manufacturing, installation, and after -sales service of the product. As a material supplier, it is responsible for the supply of users (doors and windows) to ensure that the quality of the product meets the design requirements. The development of the conclusion industry provides new challenges and opportunities. Enterprises need to recognize their strengths, do a good job of self -positioning, develop their own unique competitiveness, and create a brilliant future!

Aluminum window manufacturers have emerged as a popular choice among architects and homeowners alike. The use of aluminum in window frames provides several benefits, such as strength, durability, and versatility. Moreover, aluminum windows are highly energy-efficient and require minimal maintenance.

When choosing an aluminum window manufacturer, it is essential to consider their expertise, experience, and reputation. A reliable manufacturer would offer a range of options to suit different needs and budgets. They must also provide excellent customer service to ensure that their clients are satisfied with their products and services.

In conclusion, aluminum window manufacturers offer an excellent solution for those looking for sturdy and efficient window frames. With the right manufacturer, you can enjoy exceptional durability, energy efficiency, and minimal maintenance requirements. It is essential to take the time to research and choose a trusted provider to ensure that you get the best value for your money.

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