
Etxeko ate eta leihoen industria errespetatu duen fabrika global bihurtzeko.

Custom Aluminium Louvers

Foshan WJW Aluminum Manufacturers become a collection of aluminum design, research and development, production, and sales as a comprehensive enterprise. Our mainly architectural aluminum products are categorized in five species, which are: aluminum extrusion, aluminum glass curtain wall, aluminum door and window, aluminium shutters&louvers, aluminum balustrades and facade aluminum panels. All doors and windows have high-precision 6063-15 or T6 aluminum alloy architectural profiles.The whole production process is controlled according to as2047 door and window standards to ensure that each product meets the standards.

WJW Aluminum technical staff is available 24/7 for support and fast response, giving full advice on your products and sharing engineering knowledge. Whether you order or not, we’re always here to support your business. Our aluminum doors and aluminum windows can be used in both residential and commercial applications. This allows you to choose which will best suit your project. Our window and door specialists can help make these custom windows a part of your next projects.  

WJW Aluminum Door Factory is a leading manufacturer of aluminum doors and windows. We have been manufacturing aluminum doors and windows for over 10 years. Our products are made to the highest standards and are available in a variety of styles to suit your home or office. We pride ourselves on our customer service and our experienced team can help you choose the right products for your needs. Contact us today to find out more about our products and how we can help you. At WJW Windows & Doors we help make it simple to find the right aluminum window for your projects. WJW also has a team of knowledgeable experts who are ready to help you choose the best option for you.

Aluminioz estalitako zurezko leihoak
Altxatu zure bizilekua sofistikazio eta funtzionaltasun nahasketa perfektuarekin, aluminioz estalitako egurrezko leihoen bidez. Leiho hauek egurrezko estetikaren betiko xarma eta aluminiozko estalduraren iraunkortasunarekin uztartzen dituzte, estiloaren eta sendotasunaren konbinazio bikaina sortuz. Erakargarri bisuala eta ezaugarri praktikoak eskainiz, leiho-leiho hauek aireztapen kontrol polifazetikoa eta arkitektura-elementu deigarria eskaintzen dute barrualde modernoetarako, dotorezia zure etxean edo bulegoan errendimenduarekin bateratuz.
Hauts estalitako aluminiozko louver Aluminiozko louvers fabrikatzaileak
Louver pertsianak ate eta leihoetarako diseinatuta daude toki zorrotzenetan ere
Pala Obalatuak Aluminiozko Louver Aluminiozko Louvers Fabrikatzaileak
Aluminiozko pertsianak kanpoko irtenbide bikaina dira hesiak, pribatutasun-pantailak, pergolak, kotxeak, leiho-pantailak, balkoiak, verandak, patioak eta fatxadak egiteko.
Aluminiozko Laser Moztutako pantaila apaingarri zulatua Aluminiozko pertsianak Louvers fabrikatzaileak
Hormako pantaila apaingarria aluminiozko materialarekin.
Laser moztutako pantaila apaingarri zulatua diseinu modernoarekin eraikin osoaren estiloarekin bat egiteko
Aluminiozko Kanpoko Louver Kanpoko Aluminiozko Louvers Fabrikatzaileentzako
Eguzki-oihaletarako eta dekotaziorako kanpoko erreserba. Oihal karratu finkodun erreten-sistema. Kanpoan eta hormetan aurpegia egokitzeko erabiltzen den erreserba
Aluminiozko pertsiana bertikala kanpoko aluminiozko pertsiana fabrikatzaileentzako
Louver eliptiko finkoa. Louver bertikal finkoa.
Pala eliptikoak, muntaketa bertikala, hormetan zintzilik
Aluminiozko Sunshade Horma Louver Aluminiozko Louvers Fabrikatzaileak
Eguzki-oihal karratuak aluminiozko erreserba.
Muntaketa bertikaleko eguzki-oihalak aluminiozko erretenak.
Aurpegia hormako eguzkitako aluminiozko erretenetan
Aluminiozko Eguzki-panela Pantaila Aluminiozko Pertsianak Louvers Fabrikatzaileak
Forma sinple eta dotoreak; Pala aukerak; Estilo desberdinak ingurune ezberdinekin bat etorri daitezke
Aluminiozko Hodi Karratua Aluminiozko Louvers Fabrikatzaileak
Pertsianak irristakorrak, oro har, eraikinaren kanpoaldean, estalkian edo prestaturiko irekiduraren barruan egokitzen dira eta, beraz, goiko eta beheko pistak eta gidak dituzte.
Aluminiozko erreserba irristakorrak Aluminiozko errejilak fabrikatzaileak
Udako hilabetetan. Itxita daudenean, aluminiozko pertsianak ere beroa harrapatuko du gelan, ezin hobea neguko hilabeteetarako eta berogailuaren erabilera gutxitzeko. Aluminioak altzairuak baino eroankortasun termikoko propietate hobeak ditu
Aluminiozko pertsianak Aluminiozko pertsianak fabrikatzaileak
50x50mm marko gisa, 63,5/90/115 mm-ko forma obalatua pala finko gisa
Top Hung Rolling
Gehienezko zabalera: 1200 mm
Eguzkia itzaltzeko errendimendu bikaina
Aluminiozko Barneko Z Egiturako Pertsiana Aluminiozko Louvers Fabrikatzaileak
Aluminiozko Barneko Z Frame Shutter tamaina txikiko edo ertaineko baoetan instalatu ohi da.
Egurrezko eta PVCko pertsianarekin alderatuta, aluminiozko Z Frame Shutter-ek ez du hezetasunik eta sits-jateko kalterik gabe 30 urteko bizitza luzearekin.
Ez dago daturik

Foshan WJW Aluminum Manufacturers become a collection of aluminum design, research and development, production, and sales as a comprehensive enterprise. Our mainly architectural aluminum products are categorized in five species, which are: aluminum extrusion, aluminum glass curtain wall, aluminum door and window, aluminium shutters&louvers, aluminum balustrades and facade aluminum panels. All doors and windows have high-precision 6063-15 or T6 aluminum alloy architectural profiles.The whole production process is controlled according to as2047 door and window standards to ensure that each product meets the standards.

WJW Aluminum technical staff is available 24/7 for support and fast response, giving full advice on your products and sharing engineering knowledge. Whether you order or not, we’re always here to support your business. Our aluminum doors and aluminum windows can be used in both residential and commercial applications. This allows you to choose which will best suit your project. Our window and door specialists can help make these custom windows a part of your next projects.  

WJW Aluminum Door Factory is a leading manufacturer of aluminum doors and windows. We have been manufacturing aluminum doors and windows for over 10 years. Our products are made to the highest standards and are available in a variety of styles to suit your home or office. We pride ourselves on our customer service and our experienced team can help you choose the right products for your needs. Contact us today to find out more about our products and how we can help you. At WJW Windows & Doors we help make it simple to find the right aluminum window for your projects. WJW also has a team of knowledgeable experts who are ready to help you choose the best option for you.

Product Features And Advantages
Unique Wjw System Door And Window Design
The multi-functional profile design can be applied to a variety of different window types, and can be used in various cold and hot weather environments. In addition, the unique system door and window ventilation system makes the whole door and window meet the requirements of 75% building energy conservation, ensuring the performance of doors and windows to the maximum extent and meeting people's needs.
Very Convenient For Installation And Disassembly
When a part of the decoration such as external doors and windows is damaged, whether it can be disassembled and replaced flexibly and conveniently is directly related to factors such as whether the function of external maintenance can be maintained and whether the structure can be affected. Therefore, our company requires that the doors and windows must be replaceable in the structural design, and the disassembly and assembly must be convenient, and the normal use of the external maintenance system cannot be affected.
Australian Standard
The whole production process is controlled according to as2047 door and window standards to ensure that each product meets the standards; The whole series of key hardware parts are all imported from Australia, which fully meet the Australian standard certification of "pollution-free" environmental protection spraying.
Characteristics Of WJW System Doors And Windows
 Whole Window
WJW Aluminum system doors and windows adopt mortise and tenon structure + cutting-edge stainless steel flat steel sheet angle forming technology to make the sealing and firmness of doors and windows more stable. PVB laminated glass and hollow glass are selected to effectively improve the performance of thermal insulation, sound insulation and noise reduction. Scientific drip line structure + mature drainage design in European and American countries can prevent water infiltration from details or timely drain water, so that the watertightness of doors and windows can be better improved. The multi-channel sealing structure improves the sealing performance of doors and windows while keeping quiet. Optional 304 stainless steel gauze, nano dust-free gauze, safety protection, easy disassembly. Standard configuration of full 2.0mm wall thickness profile, strength witness wind resistance and crazy resistance wind, safety is guaranteed. The unit structure is easy to assemble, disassemble and maintain without damaging the wall.

Aluminum door windows offer excellent levels of security, weather resistance, and thermal insulation. Aluminum doors and aluminum windows are innovative and manufactured to the highest quality. With a wide range of styles and designs, these windows are ideal for both traditional and contemporary builds. Additional options are also available, such as colors, custom shapes, and specialty grills. Aluminum doors and aluminum windows are versatile and durable. There are many benefits to the aluminum door and window manufacturing. Aluminum is a strong, lightweight metal that is highly resistant to corrosion. It is also an excellent conductor of heat and electricity, making it ideal for use in doors and windows. 

Aluminium Extrusion
All doors and windows of WJW system adopt high-precision 6063-T5 or T6 aluminum alloy building profiles. The surface treatment of profiles adopts fluorocarbon spraying or powder spraying, and the best weather resistance is up to 20 years. The rich color library can meet different personalized color customization needs.

WJW doors and windows system adopt on-line or off-line Low-E (low radiation coated glass) float glass, which is deeply processed from the original piece of well-known brands, with excellent sound insulation and heat insulation performance.

Famous brand silicone structural sealant or building sealant shall be used. Mineral oil and harmful plasticizer shall not be added to the building sealant.

Product Features And Advantages
Unique Wjw System Door And Window Design
The multi-functional profile design can be applied to a variety of different window types, and can be used in various cold and hot weather environments. In addition, the unique system door and window ventilation system makes the whole door and window meet the requirements of 75% building energy conservation, ensuring the performance of doors and windows to the maximum extent and meeting people's needs.
Very Convenient For Installation And Disassembly
When a part of the decoration such as external doors and windows is damaged, whether it can be disassembled and replaced flexibly and conveniently is directly related to factors such as whether the function of external maintenance can be maintained and whether the structure can be affected. Therefore, our company requires that the doors and windows must be replaceable in the structural design, and the disassembly and assembly must be convenient, and the normal use of the external maintenance system cannot be affected.
Australian Standard
The whole production process is controlled according to as2047 door and window standards to ensure that each product meets the standards; The whole series of key hardware parts are all imported from Australia, which fully meet the Australian standard certification of "pollution-free" environmental protection spraying
Characteristics Of WJW System Doors And Windows

 whole window

WJW system doors and windows adopt mortise and tenon structure + cutting-edge stainless steel flat steel sheet angle forming technology to make the sealing and firmness of doors and windows more stable. PVB laminated glass and hollow glass are selected to effectively improve the performance of thermal insulation, sound insulation and noise reduction. Scientific drip line structure + mature drainage design in European and American countries can prevent water infiltration from details or timely drain water, so that the watertightness of doors and windows can be better improved. The multi-channel sealing structure improves the sealing performance of doors and windows while keeping quiet. Optional 304 stainless steel gauze, nano dust-free gauze, safety protection, easy disassembly. Standard configuration of full 2.0mm wall thickness profile, strength witness wind resistance and crazy resistance wind, safety is guaranteed. The unit structure is easy to assemble, disassemble and maintain without damaging the wall.
  Aluminium Extrusion
All doors and windows of WJW system adopt high-precision 6063-T5 or T6 aluminum alloy building profiles. The surface treatment of profiles adopts fluorocarbon spraying or powder spraying, and the best weather resistance is up to 20 years. The rich color library can meet different personalized color customization needs.
WJW doors and windows system adopt on-line or off-line Low-E (low radiation coated glass) float glass, which is deeply processed from the original piece of well-known brands, with excellent sound insulation and heat insulation performance.
Famous brand silicone structural sealant or building sealant shall be used. Mineral oil and harmful plasticizer shall not be added to the building sealant.
Feel Free To Contact Us
If you have any questions about our Aluminum Profiles or Aluminum Extrusion products or services, feel free to reach out to customer service team.
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