佛山旺加旺 铝制造商 成为集铝材设计、研发、生产、销售为一体的综合性企业。 我们的主要建筑铝材产品分为五个品种,分别是:铝型材、铝玻璃幕墙、铝门窗、铝百叶窗&百叶窗、铝制栏杆和外墙铝板。 所有门窗均采用高精度6063-15或T6铝合金建筑型材。整个生产过程按照as2047门窗标准进行控制,确保每件产品符合标准。
旺加旺技术人员 24/7 全天候提供支持和快速响应,为您的产品提供全面建议并分享工程知识。 无论您是否订购,我们都会随时为您的业务提供支持。 我们的 铝门和铝窗 可用于住宅和商业应用。 这使您可以选择最适合您的项目的选项。 我们的门窗专家可以帮助您将这些定制窗户纳入您的下一个项目
旺加旺铝门厂是铝门窗的领先制造商。 我们已经生产铝门窗超过 10 年。 我们的产品按照最高标准制造,有多种款式可供选择,以适合您的家庭或办公室。 我们为我们的客户服务感到自豪,我们经验丰富的团队可以帮助您选择适合您需求的产品。 立即联系我们,了解更多关于我们的产品以及我们如何为您提供帮助的信息。 在WJW窗口 & 我们帮助您轻松为您的项目找到合适的铝窗。旺加旺还拥有一支知识渊博的专家团队,他们随时准备帮助您选择最适合您的选择。
Foshan WJW Aluminum Manufacturers become a collection of aluminum design, research and development, production, and sales as a comprehensive enterprise. Our mainly architectural aluminum products are categorized in five species, which are: aluminum extrusion, aluminum glass curtain wall, aluminum door and window, aluminium shutters&louvers, aluminum balustrades and facade aluminum panels. All doors and windows have high-precision 6063-15 or T6 aluminum alloy architectural profiles.The whole production process is controlled according to as2047 door and window standards to ensure that each product meets the standards.
WJW Aluminum technical staff is available 24/7 for support and fast response, giving full advice on your products and sharing engineering knowledge. Whether you order or not, we’re always here to support your business. Our aluminum doors and aluminum windows can be used in both residential and commercial applications. This allows you to choose which will best suit your project. Our window and door specialists can help make these custom windows a part of your next projects.
WJW Aluminum Door Factory is a leading manufacturer of aluminum doors and windows. We have been manufacturing aluminum doors and windows for over 10 years. Our products are made to the highest standards and are available in a variety of styles to suit your home or office. We pride ourselves on our customer service and our experienced team can help you choose the right products for your needs. Contact us today to find out more about our products and how we can help you. At WJW Windows & Doors we help make it simple to find the right aluminum window for your projects. WJW also has a team of knowledgeable experts who are ready to help you choose the best option for you.
旺加旺铝制系统门窗 采用榫卯结构+尖端不锈钢扁钢片角成型技术,使门窗的密封性和牢固性更加稳定。 选用PVB夹层玻璃和中空玻璃,有效提高保温、隔音、降噪等性能。 科学的滴水线结构+欧美国家成熟的排水设计,从细节处防止渗水或及时排水,使门窗的水密性得到更好的提高。 多通道密封结构,在保持安静的同时,提高了门窗的密封性能。 可选304不锈钢纱布,纳米无尘纱布,安全防护,拆装方便。 标准配置全2.0mm壁厚型材,强度见证抗风,抗狂风,安全有保障。 单元结构在不损坏墙壁的情况下,易于组装、拆卸和维护。
√ whole window