


Foshan WJW Custom Aluminum Extrusion Profile Manufacturers become a collection of aluminum design, research and development, production, and sales as a comprehensive enterprise. Our mainly architectural aluminum products are categorized in five species, which are: aluminum extrusion, aluminum glass curtain wall, aluminum door and window, aluminium shutters&louvers, aluminum balustrades and facade aluminum panels. All doors and windows have high-precision 6063-15 or T6 aluminum alloy architectural profiles.The whole production process is controlled according to as2047 door and window standards to ensure that each product meets the standards.

WJW Aluminum technical staff is available 24/7 for support and fast response, giving full advice on your products and sharing engineering knowledge. Whether you order or not, we’re always here to support your business. Our aluminum doors and aluminum windows can be used in both residential and commercial applications. This allows you to choose which will best suit your project. Our window and door specialists can help make these custom windows a part of your next projects.  

使鋁製幕牆型材脫穎而出的一件事是它們優雅的顏色選擇。 幾乎所有製造商都提供根據您的口味和需要定制顏色的選項。 應用於鋁幕牆擠壓件的飾麵類型將有助於其最終顏色
Product Features And Advantages
Unique Wjw System Door And Window Design
The multi-functional profile design can be applied to a variety of different window types, and can be used in various cold and hot weather environments. In addition, the unique system door and window ventilation system makes the whole door and window meet the requirements of 75% building energy conservation, ensuring the performance of doors and windows to the maximum extent and meeting people's needs.
Very Convenient For Installation And Disassembly
When a part of the decoration such as external doors and windows is damaged, whether it can be disassembled and replaced flexibly and conveniently is directly related to factors such as whether the function of external maintenance can be maintained and whether the structure can be affected. Therefore, our company requires that the doors and windows must be replaceable in the structural design, and the disassembly and assembly must be convenient, and the normal use of the external maintenance system cannot be affected.
Australian Standard
The whole production process is controlled according to as2047 door and window standards to ensure that each product meets the standards; The whole series of key hardware parts are all imported from Australia, which fully meet the Australian standard certification of "pollution-free" environmental protection spraying.
Foshan WJW Aluminium Manufacturers 是一家領先的鋁擠壓型材供應商,提供優質的鋁擠壓型材。 我公司多年來一直專業生產鋁擠壓型材產品,我們有多種鋁擠壓型材可供選擇,以滿足您的需求。 我們提供種類齊全的鋁擠壓型材產品,包括工業鋁擠壓型材、鋁管、鋁棒等。 我們的產品採用優質 6063-15 或 T6 鋁合金型材製成,這些型材以其出色的強度、耐用性和耐腐蝕性而著稱。 我們還遵守 AS2047 門窗標準,以確保我們所有產品的質量始終如一。

在 WJW 鋁擠壓型材供應商,我們有專門的技術人員全天候 24/7 為我們的客戶提供支持和技術建議。 我們了解為您的項目提供合適產品的重要性,我們始終樂於幫助您選擇最適合您需求的鋁型材。 無論您是需要用於住宅還是商業應用的鋁型材,我們都有專業知識和經驗為您提供最優質的產品。

作為領先的鋁擠壓型材供應商,我們以對質量、客戶服務和創新的承諾為榮。 我們一直在尋找新的和創新的方法來改進我們的產品和服務,以更好地為我們的客戶服務。 因此,如果您正在尋找可靠且值得信賴的優質鋁型材供應商,佛山 WJW 鋁材製造商就是您的最佳選擇。
作為鋁擠壓供應商。 我們的鋁門窗可承受極端天氣條件
定制鋁擠壓是根據客戶的設計或要求創建特定形狀和長度的鋁產品的過程。 這是通過加熱鋁擠壓坯料並迫使其通過模具或模具以形成所需形狀來實現的
使用定制鋁擠壓型材的優勢包括能夠創造出獨特而復雜的形狀、輕巧而堅固的材料特性、出色的耐腐蝕性和高導熱性。 此外,這些型材可以以相對較低的成本大量生產,使其成為大規模生產應用的理想選擇
定制鋁擠壓型材可用於廣泛的應用,包括建築、運輸、航空航天、電子、工業機械和消費品。 它們通常用於創建框架、外殼、面板、欄杆和其他結構組件
定制鋁擠壓型材的可用表面處理包括陽極氧化、粉末塗層、噴漆和拋光。 這些飾面可以增強鋁型材的外觀、耐用性和性能,提供高質量的飾面
定制鋁擠壓型材的典型交貨時間因設計的複雜性、訂單數量和原材料的可用性而異。 通常,交貨時間從幾周到幾個月不等。 然而,一些鋁型材製造商可能會提供加急服務以縮短交貨時間
鋁擠壓供應商是一家專門為商業和工業客戶生產和供應鋁擠壓型材及相關產品的公司。 這些供應商通常提供範圍廣泛的尺寸、形狀和飾面以滿足客戶的特定要求
使用鋁擠壓供應商的好處包括獲得範圍廣泛的高質量鋁擠壓產品、降低製造成本和縮短生產時間。 此外,供應商可以幫助客戶提供定制產品的技術支持、設計和開發
標準鋁擠壓件是預先設計的型材,可以很容易地獲得各種尺寸、形狀和飾面。 定制鋁擠壓件是根據客戶的特定設計要求創建的,可能涉及復雜的形狀、特殊飾面和其他獨特功能
合適的鋁擠壓供應商應該擁有卓越的質量和客戶服務、廣泛的產品和能力、有競爭力的價格和快速的交貨時間。 此外,他們應該願意與客戶合作以了解他們的需求並提供個性化的解決方案
這是關於我們的最新消息 鋁擠壓供應商和製造商 . 閱讀這些帖子以獲取有關產品和行業的更多信息,從而為您的項目獲得靈感。
很多人不知道如何為自己的房屋選擇鋁合金窗。 鋁合金窗使用壽命長,維護成本低。 當您選擇窗戶時,需要考慮供應商的專業程度、預算、適當的材料、個人的實際需求、風格和維護要求等因素。 WJW為您提供高品質的鋁窗,您一定能找到完全符合您要求的鋁窗。 您需要考慮許多因素來選擇最適合您的鋁窗。 下面,我們就來討論如何選擇適合自己家的窗戶?
2024 07 16
鋁製散熱器的使用越來越多,為什麼它們如此受歡迎?這與其獨特的優勢有很大關係。 下面我們就來討論一下鋁合金散熱器的優點。 與其他散熱器相比有哪些優勢?
2024 07 15
很多人想要購買鋁型材時,都會思考鋁型材的成本是多少,又與哪些因素有關。 我們將在下面詳細討論這個問題。
2024 07 10
Characteristics Of WJW System Doors And Windows
 Whole Window
WJW Aluminum system doors and windows adopt mortise and tenon structure + cutting-edge stainless steel flat steel sheet angle forming technology to make the sealing and firmness of doors and windows more stable. PVB laminated glass and hollow glass are selected to effectively improve the performance of thermal insulation, sound insulation and noise reduction. Scientific drip line structure + mature drainage design in European and American countries can prevent water infiltration from details or timely drain water, so that the watertightness of doors and windows can be better improved. The multi-channel sealing structure improves the sealing performance of doors and windows while keeping quiet. Optional 304 stainless steel gauze, nano dust-free gauze, safety protection, easy disassembly. Standard configuration of full 2.0mm wall thickness profile, strength witness wind resistance and crazy resistance wind, safety is guaranteed. The unit structure is easy to assemble, disassemble and maintain without damaging the wall.

Aluminum door windows offer excellent levels of security, weather resistance, and thermal insulation. Aluminum doors and aluminum windows are innovative and manufactured to the highest quality. With a wide range of styles and designs, these windows are ideal for both traditional and contemporary builds. Additional options are also available, such as colors, custom shapes, and specialty grills. Aluminum doors and aluminum windows are versatile and durable. There are many benefits to the aluminum door and window manufacturing. Aluminum is a strong, lightweight metal that is highly resistant to corrosion. It is also an excellent conductor of heat and electricity, making it ideal for use in doors and windows. 

Aluminium Extrusion
All doors and windows of WJW system adopt high-precision 6063-T5 or T6 aluminum alloy building profiles. The surface treatment of profiles adopts fluorocarbon spraying or powder spraying, and the best weather resistance is up to 20 years. The rich color library can meet different personalized color customization needs.

WJW doors and windows system adopt on-line or off-line Low-E (low radiation coated glass) float glass, which is deeply processed from the original piece of well-known brands, with excellent sound insulation and heat insulation performance.

Famous brand silicone structural sealant or building sealant shall be used. Mineral oil and harmful plasticizer shall not be added to the building sealant.

Feel Free To Contact Us
If you have any questions about our Aluminum Profiles or Aluminum Extrusion products or services, feel free to reach out to customer service team.
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